The Birthday Thief
A thrilling birthday adventure
A stupendously personalized birthday story, that magically changes based on your child’s birth date. Huzzah!
Recommended for ages 3-10
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Rated 4.9 out of 5
“Excellent concept! The lesson is for all ages, ‘It’s everything you learn and do in the days between that matters.’ I like that.” - Alison
Read reviewsTheir name, their birthday adventure
Your little one will be utterly astonished when they start reading their birthday story – and discover that it’s all about them!
A book based on their birth date
Every story is unique, with a curious cast of characters personalized to your child’s birthday. So little ones born in June will encounter his royal highness, Lord June. While September children will meet Sir September. And that’s just the beginning…
Pick a fabulous protagonist
Put them at the center of their birthday quest by choosing the beautifully-illustrated character that most looks like them.